Hybrid Stepper Gear Motor

Hybrid stepper motor combined with planetary gearboxes for higher resolution and high torque.
Several sizes with different ratios. Further sizes and options are possible. Please contact us if
you do not find the product you are looking for.


Hybrid Stepper Gear Motor

SeriesDimensions (mm)Rated Current (A)Step AngleWindingHolding Torque (cNm)DatasheetRequest
22PA20 x 20 x 76 x 110bipolar / unipolar0,2 - 0,61,8°4 - 107pdfAnfrage
28PA30 x 30 x 59 bis 102bipolar / unipolar0,67 - 0951,8°3,7 - 264pdfAnfrage
36PA40 x 40 x 50 bis 90bipolar / unipolar0,4 - 0,571,8°4 - 139pdfAnfrage
40PA42 x 42 x 61 bis 99bipolar / unipolar0,4 -1,61,83,7 - 264pdfAnfrage
56PA57 x 57 x 91 bis 156bipolar / unipolar1,0 - 2,81,84 - 200pdfAnfrage

Further models, sizes and modification possible